Es un termoplástico derivado de la industria petroquímica, con una estructura celular cerrada, no tóxico y auto extinguible, que desde su aparición en la construcción ha visto incrementar su participación en esta industria, como reflejo del aprovechamiento de sus características en beneficios del aligeramiento, la velocidad de construcción del costo de las edificaciones y el confort del usuario.
Nuestras instalaciones nos permiten ofrecer bloques de 6.14m x1.24m x 1.04m, en todas las variedades de cortes y formas dentro de esas dimensiones.
Es para nosotros de gran satisfacción ofrecer a nuestros clientes un trato personalizado, que nos permita identificarnos con sus necesidades, poder suplirlas y desarrollar relaciones de negocios basadas en la confianza, calidad, servicio y precios.
It is a thermoplastic derived from the petrochemical industry, with a closed cellular structure, non-toxic and self-extinguishable, which since its appearance in the construction industry, has become more and more used in this industry, as a reflection of its characteristics in improving the speed of the construction, the cost of the buildings, and the comfort of the user.
Our production facilities are set up to produce blocks sizes of 6.14m x 1.24m x 1.04m in all varieties of cuts and forms within these dimensions.
At the same time, our quick production capacity enables us to keep up with the demand. It is of great satisfaction to us to be able to offer our clients personalized treatment that allows us to identify their needs, be able to provide them, and develop business relationships based on confidence, quality, service and price.
In our facilities we apply direct heat from water vapor in controlled pressure, temperature, and time conditions, making the polystyrene compound, in forms of small pearls, expand its size in a beginning phase called pre-expansion and after a time of resting, they are expanded once more with the same parameters but this time within the molding where the large blocks are produced.
• Lightening of slabs
• Lightening of roofs and walls
• Thermal Isolation
• Plumbing Isolation
• Juntas de Colindancia
• Filling
• Decoration